About Us
Applus +
Applus+ is operating the National Car Testing service on behalf of the Road Safety Authority and is committed to providing the highest standards of customer service. We are the only provider of the service nationwide and are totally independent of the motor industry and do not engage in garage service and repair activities. When having your vehicle inspected by the Applus+ NCTS you will receive a fair, uniform and impartial service.
Here are some things you might now know about National Car Testing Service
- All our 600+ NCT Inspectors are qualified vehicle mechanics
- Over 60% of our bookings are now made online through this website
- We employ over 800 staff across our 50 locations in Ireland
- We will carry out over 2 million NCT tests this year
- The technology on our test lane compares each test result to the previous 10 tests to ensure each piece of test equipment is operating correctly
- You can now check the validity of any vehicle’s NCT certificate on NCTS website
- Our centres are audited both internally and independently over 4,000 times each year
- Over 90% of you were satisfied or very satisfied with the service received from NCTS
The Applus+ corporate reputation is one of our group's most valuable assets and a key component in service developments. Impartiality, independence and integrity are therefore the cornerstones of our Code of Ethics.
Integrity is an important element of the National Car Test. if you feel that the integrity of the service has been compromised or you want to report a possible violation of our code of Ethics or other regulation, then please submit it using our online Ethics and Compliance channel.
Employment Opportunities:
From time to time employment opportunities may exist in the following roles:
- Vehicle Inspector
- Customer Care Agent
- Call Centre Booking Agent
Please be advised that we may not have a vacancy for the above position at the time you are applying however, your curriculum vitae will be kept on file for a number of months and should your skills and experience match our criteria, then you may be called for an interview.
Gender Pay Gap Report
We are delighted to share our Gender Pay Report 2023, we are committed to creating an inclusive workplace where both male and females can reach their full potential. You can view and download the reports here